Aquarius Man Hiding Feelings: Hidden Signs! -

Aquarius Man Hiding Feelings: Hidden Signs!

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Are you curious about an Aquarius man's feelings toward you? Are you aware of the hidden signs that he is into you?

An Aquarius man is good at hiding his feeling toward you. However, an Aquarius man can be hot and cold sometimes and might even leave you clueless, making it hard to draw the line between being a friend and a lover. 

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An Aquarius man gets very nervous when you talk about feelings and relationships. He gets visibly uncomfortable and prefers to hide this part of his personality from you. 

Even if someone tries to talk to an Aquarius man, he will dodge the questions and try to focus on the other person instead. This is because an Aquarius man does not readily show his feelings but hides them as long as he can. 

Understanding an Aquarius man's emotions is not always simple. He does not always enjoy discussing them.

An Aquarius man is adept at masking his feelings. Without trust in you, he will not be able to express himself fully. 

It takes time to establish that trust. Building a close friendship with an Aquarius man to express his feelings and getting him to open himself to you.

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Being friends is equally significant as being love partners, even if you two are dating. If an Aquarius man does not trust you, he will not want to discuss his sentiments with you. 

You must exert all your effort to convince an Aquarius man that he can trust you. When he confides in you about his feelings, be accepting and do not pass judgment. 

You might notice that an Aquarius man is acting calm and aloof. However, he is not like that; his inner self is much softer and more sensitive.

An Aquarius man puts on a good hard shell outside but feels very soft deeply. He takes a long time to let you in his life because he protects his heart.

When you see an Aquarius man doing things for humanity, you can tell he has a deep soul. You may notice these traits if he works with the homeless or gives money to a worthy charity.

These are indications that a powerful Aquarius man is still alive. He will ultimately let his guard down when he falls in love with you, and only you will be able to appreciate how great and kind he truly is.

An Aquarius man will not express his true feelings; they tend to pull away when in love. Therefore, you should be kind to him because he might never forgive you if you hurt him.

An Aquarius man is picky and takes his time. He may appear to want to be single forever but wants something long-lasting.

An Aquarius man craves someone who will be in his life permanently. Therefore, he is acting tough when in reality, he is not. 

An Aquarius man is curious and wants to know what you have to say. But when an Aquarius falls for you, he will consult with you before making any decisions and respect your feedback.

For example, an Aquarius man never tells you he wants a commitment. So before putting off his boxing gloves, he believes taking his time and getting to know someone completely is better.

Signs an Aquarius man hide his feelings

Are you aware that an Aquarius man is really good at hiding his feelings? Here are some of the signs that he likes you but will not tell his feelings directly to you:

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An Aquarius acts differently around you. 

When an Aquarius man is in love with you, he behaves unconventionally and acts differently. His sudden change of behavior towards you is noticeable.

An Aquarius man is amiable. He is talkative when he is around you.

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However, an Aquarius man will become shy and quiet when he starts liking you. He is afraid to leave a wrong impression on you, so he starts acting strange.

Just do not take it as a negative sign. It only signifies that an Aquarius man has a feeling for you.

An Aquarius man will avoid eye contact with you. He will also blush when he hears compliments from you.

An Aquarius man makes you his priority. 

An Aquarius man is very dedicated when it comes to his daily routine. He plans his day and has a fixed time for each task.

But when an Aquarius man likes you, he will abandon this plan just to spend his time with you. He will not care about his own schedule.

For example, you invited him to a movie or dinner together. He will automatically agree with you without even checking his schedule.

If this is the case, it is the biggest clue that an Aquarius man is into you. Remember that an Aquarius man is the last person to ditch his schedule unless he has a big reason.

Even if an Aquarius man likes you, he will have difficulty expressing his emotions to you. This is because he cannot easily tell you his feelings.

An Aquarius man is romantic with you. 

An Aquarius man has difficulty identifying whether he likes you or not. But, when you share your time, he will realize he loves you.

An Aquarius man's awkward face will suddenly end when he becomes comfortable with you. After that, he will start being romantic towards you, making sweet gestures.

Inspired by his gestures, an Aquarius man will still hide his true feelings from you. You will just have to notice it by yourself.

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An Aquarius man shows you his responsible nature. 

An Aquarius man is quite mature and knows his responsibilities very well. He quickly gets exhausted, but he cannot resist responsibility.

It is one of the positive traits of an Aquarius man. Therefore, he will show you his responsible nature if he likes you.

An Aquarius man will always be a gentleman around you. He will talk with poise and will never act harshly.

An Aquarius man uses these traits to show his maturity. However, he will still hide his feelings for you.

An Aquarius man tests you. 

You might notice an Aquarius man ignores you while talking in public. Do not worry because it is only his way when he is in love with you.

An Aquarius man wants to test your love and patience before getting into a relationship. It is his way of not committing to someone unsuitable for him.

Even if an Aquarius man does not talk much at you like he did to others, he will still stare and smile at you. It signifies that he likes you but still hides his true feelings for you.

You do not have to react to his behavior. Just act normal.

An Aquarius man shows off. 

An Aquarius wants you to praise and notice him if he really likes you. So, he will show his goofy offside if he really likes you.

An Aquarius man will boast about his creativity and intelligence. He will wear his expensive shoes and even brag about his popularity in college.

If an Aquarius man is bragging about himself too much, do not consider it a big show-off. On the contrary, it is only his way to impress you.

An Aquarius man is warm with you. 

An Aquarius man is cold and a bit insensitive by nature. He reacts to everything around him and can grow unemotional over time. You will definitely notice if an Aquarius man doesn't like you anymore.

But when an Aquarius man likes you, you can see a constant change in his behavior. He turns kind and warm.

An Aquarius will talk to you softly and smoothly. He will not say any insensitive words that might hurt you.

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An Aquarius man loves to give pieces of advice. 

An Aquarius man is an intellectual thinker. He observes everything deeply, which makes him a good advisor.

When an Aquarius likes you, he will not miss an excellent chance to give you a piece of advice. In addition, he will provide you with several tips even if you do not ask about them.

An Aquarius man will want to inform you of everything. For example, he will tell you about current events to keep you updated.

An Aquarius man praises you. 

An Aquarius man is a real person. But he changes when he is in love.

When you make a little effort with your appearance, an Aquarius man will notice it and compliments you. However, you should know that it is not usual.

An Aquarius man is hiding some feelings toward you. But this does not prevent him from complimenting your outer appearance.

An Aquarius will praise you for your style in doing creative projects. He will also compliment your personality traits.

An Aquarius man does not flake on you. 

An Aquarius man tends to change plans more often because he prioritizes himself and his welfare above anything else. Therefore, he will not do things he does not like.

When an Aquarius likes you, he will try to show he cares and will never flake on you. He will not change plans with you for anything.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.