Aquarius Man In love: He wants companion! -

Aquarius Man In love: He wants companion!

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Do you want to know how a man who his Aquarius sign acts when he is in love? An Aquarius man who is in love values having a companion who shares their viewpoints.

When an Aquarius man is in love, he's supportive, creative, and values deep conversations. He might show love in unconventional ways and needs space to be himself. For him, a relationship is about partnership and intellectual connection.

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They prefer a companion that would fit into their lifestyle because they enjoy doing things their way. They don't like being among folks that are completely different from them.

Men born under the sign of Aquarius are well known for living alone. It takes someone extremely patient and understanding to restrain an Aquarius male because they are eccentric and march to the beat of their own drum.

A date with him won't feel like a date at all because of his extremely unusual dating style. But he charms just about everyone thanks to his intellectual acumen and ridiculous sense of humor (often multiple people at once).

He has a strong passion for people, so his platonic relationships eventually turn into romantic ones aside from being friends with benefits, and when he does, it's like dating your eccentric best friend.

But independent Aquarius requires a lot of room to breathe, especially while in a partnership, as he despises feeling constrained. But if you need him, his sensitive, caring side will always be there.

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And if he can set aside his concerns for the larger good long enough to hear you out, he'll be prepared with suggestions and counsel to help you get through the challenging times.

Relationships with Aquarius men do have certain drawbacks, though. Since he struggles to express his genuine emotions, he comes out as uneasy and disengaged.

Aquarius is more than capable of having a healthy relationship in which he and his partner have equal regard for one another if he can develop self-assurance and believe that his feelings are real.

How will you tell if an Aquarius man is in love with you?

An Aquarius man can be difficult to read because he is one of the most enigmatic signs in the zodiac. How can you tell if he likes you or not? An Aquarius man when in love might pull away, but he will act independently, but if he likes you, he'll make an effort to break the mold.

He suddenly became interested in you

If he likes you, an Aquarius man, specifically a Moon in Aquarius man, will do anything to hang around with you. He likely enjoys being around plenty of people and is quite gregarious.

He might take the initiative to sever you from the group and spend some quality time with you alone if he likes you. Because he is stepping outside of his comfort zone, this is a significant step for him. Outside of a group situation, he wants to get to know you better.

For instance, take him out, and have a good time! Even if you're unsure of his feelings for you, spend time with him in a group of friends and see whether he makes an effort to speak to you privately.

If you like him back, be bold and text him asking if he wants to go somewhere alone to talk. He might text you while you're out with friends saying, “Hey” or “You look nice tonight.”

He wants to be your closest friend

In a woman, an Aquarius man needs a partnership that goes beyond mere sexual attraction. He must first develop a friendship with you, so he will go to any lengths to be your special someone, even if it is only platonic.

Is he the first one to offer to give you a ride when you need one? Does he always come to your aid when you need a hug? A friendship that is developing swiftly is a hint that he likes you.

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When no one is looking, he makes advances toward you

 An Aquarius man is rather clever and won’t show he likes you immediately. He won’t start flirting with you in front of a large group.

He’ll save those winks and compliments for when no one else is looking. Flirting behind closed doors might be a sign that an Aquarius man likes you but isn’t ready to get too serious just yet.

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Make a move if he flirts once everyone else’s back is turned. Grab his hand or whisper a compliment in his ear when no one’s looking.

He may use humor as a crutch when he’s nervous and start playing a game or cracking a joke to try and make you laugh.

Lean into his quirks if you’re into him! Laugh at his jokes, and don’t be afraid to take the first step.

He will ask you to hangout

An Aquarius man won't ask just anyone to hang out with him alone since he needs continual social stimulation. Despite his outward denials, he secretly desires attention from people and prefers to be by himself when he is.

He may like you if he lets you into his world by inviting you to hang out alone without any other friends. It is well known that Aquarians enjoy watching movies.

It's likely that he likes you if he wants you to see a movie with him. He wants to talk to you about something he finds interesting and perhaps vulnerable.

When you are present, he exudes more confidence

 He will act irrationally when you are around. Aquarians enjoy social situations and are drawn to people who may be extremely dissimilar to them.

You can keep an Aquarius man interested by showing him your unusual pastime or displaying his own abilities when he's with you. He wants to show you how smart he is, which gives him a sudden confidence that is impossible to deny.

Tell him about your interests and passions. Teach him how to do something if he starts showing an interest at any time.

Increasing his self-assurance will make him feel more secure around you and eventually give him the courage to express his true feelings.

He sacrifices his free time to be with you

If he likes you, an Aquarius man will spend every waking hour with you. From the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to sleep, he has his entire day planned out.

You are among the many things he has considered. He will know he likes you if he starts spending his leisure time with you rather than engaging in his own interests. He will change his plans and give up his free time only to be with you.

He introduces you to his family

Sharing an expansive portion of oneself with you can indicate his liking for you. Typically, Aquarians lack personality. Even if you have known them for years, you may not be familiar with their personal affairs.

He is showing you the most intimate aspects of himself if he introduces you to his family. Because he won't let just anyone meet his family, you must be unique in his eyes.

He is concerned about being misunderstood and having his reputation damaged. He is overcoming his apprehension of being judged by you and his family by introducing you to them, demonstrating his complete trust in you.

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He talks a lot when you're around

An Aquarius man loves to talk, and if he likes you, his nervousness will cause him to yap. Aquarius talks more than usual when they are anxious.

When you're around, does he go on and on about his day? When you arrive, does he have to be the first to share a tale with you? There may be a large group there, but if he looks to be the only person there, you can bet he thinks you're fantastic.

If he's anxious, he might forget to ask you questions. Incorporate a little discussion of your day into the conversation to calm his butterflies. He'll learn he can communicate with you without fear if you give him a chance to calm down

He probes you extensively to learn more about you

An Aquarius man is interested in more than your hobbies. He wants to know everything about your life experiences and your evolving viewpoints. In order to learn more about you as a person, he can probe deeper than “What's your favorite color?”

He's not much into small talk, so try probing him with more in-depth inquiries as well. He values conversations that aren’t “normal.”

Ask him questions such as, “If you could have one superpower, what would it be?” or “If you could organize a dinner party with anybody in the world, who would you invite?”

He takes action to help you feel desired

Going above and beyond to show you he cares may be a sign that he likes you. Most likely already generous, an Aquarius man will increase his generosity if he is interested in you.

To make you smile, he might buy you a surprise gift or send you a personal text every day inquiring how you're doing. If he feels something for you, it will be clear from his caring demeanor.

He won't come right out and say he likes you; he'll pretend that the additional kindness shown to you is only due to the fact that you're a terrific friend. You'll have to coax it from him!

In order to persuade him to open up and tell you how he really feels, let him know how you feel about him.

What are the negative traits of Aquarius Man?

Although people born under the sign of Aquarius have a lot of good qualities, they might also have some negative qualities.

People born under the sign of Aquarius are considerate, helpful, and have forward-thinking attitudes. Like any other sign, an Aquarius does have a few flaws that could be seen as weaknesses.

An Aquarian, ruled by Uranus and distinguished by detachment and rebellion, can behave erratically and have peculiar habits while being disobedient to authority.

They are stubborn

Strong-willed Aquarians carefully consider the views and opinions of others but rarely alter their own. They make a decision after careful consideration and adhere to their convictions. They are regarded as “stubborn intellects” because of this.

On the other hand, Aquarians detest fighting. Therefore, they might agree with you merely to avoid a direct argument and keep acting in accordance with their moral principles.

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They might disregard their loved ones

Uranus, the planet of invention, gives Aquarius the capacity to think broadly and effect significant good change. However, they risk neglecting their loved ones if they are too preoccupied with changing society. Additionally, they could grow distant in their love partnerships.

They may be disobedient

Aquarians might become more disobedient the more they are coerced or ordered to accomplish something. They dislike being given instructions.

They avoid those people because they do not appreciate being in charge when someone tries to influence them or their opinion. Even for their benefit, this can make it challenging to persuade someone of something.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.