Pisces Man Playing Hard to Get: Is He Still Interested? - Spiritual-Galaxy.com

Pisces Man Playing Hard to Get: Is He Still Interested?

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It is pretty typical if a Pisces man plays hard to get. He will be hot and cold towards you, sending different kinds of mixed signals.

A Pisces man playing hard to get only tends to happen if he is not sure about you. A Pisces man does not always play hard to get on purpose; he is sometimes confused about love. 

Before You Read: The Pisces man is a dreamer, full of imagination and emotion. Dive into his dreamy world with Anna Kovach’s Pisces Man Secrets. Offering insights into his imaginative nature, this guide shows you how to be his muse. Whether you're understanding his fantasies, connecting with his emotional depth, or trying to keep pace with his dreamy nature, Pisces Man Secrets is your guide. Dive into the world of Pisces and discover the secrets to his heart. Ready to dream with him? Get your copy of Pisces Man Secrets by Anna Kovach today and swim in his emotions!

A Pisces man tends to play hard to get so that he can get an idea about how serious you are to him. He is afraid of getting hurt.

A Pisces man only wants to ensure that you like him. Therefore, he might distantly shut himself to get away from pain. 

A Pisces man is not always playing with you. As a result, he has a hard time getting close to you. 

There might be a time when a Pisces man will constantly chat and suddenly ghost you. It is because he is not sure about his relationship with you. 

Why is Pisces man playing hard to get?

  1. A Pisces man pretends disinterest in you. 

A Pisces man will pretend not interested in you to test you. He usually does this to get a reaction out of you. 

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A Pisces man might ignore you when he sees you at any event. Instead, he will clarify that he sees you but will not approach you. 

A Pisces man will ignore your messages. He might even leave you on reading or just never reply. 

A Pisces man does this to see if you are really into him. He might think you will pursue him more if you are really into him. 

  1. A Pisces man is acting hot and cold. 

A Pisces is playing hard to get when acting hold and cold. It is one of the standard techniques of a Pisces man.

A Pisces man might chat with you about intimate personal topics while staying up all night. The next day, you will be lucky if he sends you a message.

A Pisces man likes to disappear. He will become head over heels for you one day and avoids you completely the next. Sometimes, a Pisces man is not doing it on purpose. 

A Pisces man may feel embarrassed because he thinks he talks too much about himself. He might think he is moving too fast on you and suddenly back off. 

  1. A Pisces man is giving mixed signals.

When you send out conflicting messages, it may be incredibly annoying. One way a Pisces man will try to play hard to get is in this manner.

After a date, a Pisces man might kiss you. But he will refrain from making any further physical contact with you. 

A Pisces man can appear uninterested while telling a mutual friend that he is extremely into you. Sometimes he will message you all the time, then utterly ignore you.

A Pisces man might be acting evasive by doing this. However, he can act this way because he is unsure about his feelings. 

  1. A Pisces man has commitment issues.

Even if you ignore a Pisces man, he will still struggle with commitment,. He is a compassionate individual that fears harm. 

Watch how a Pisces man behaves when you talk about commitment to see whether he is trying to trick you. If a Pisces man is only cautious of responsibility, he may be honest with you about his concerns. 

A Pisces man will not always steer clear of it. He will eventually express his feelings to you if he wants to be close to you.

A Pisces man will not want to discuss commitment when he is playing you. If you bring it up, he might get icy.

When you start talking about the future, a Pisces man could try to disguise his smile. However, if he realizes you are serious about him, he might quit being challenging to get.

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  1. A Pisces man closes himself off.

Knowing what to do when a Pisces man backs off can be challenging. It can be upsetting if he suddenly closes himself off after you two have been becoming close.

A Pisces man occasionally acts in this way to play hard to get. But because he also does it when he is not interested in you, this is another tricky situation.

A Pisces man would never approach you unless he is genuinely interested in you. He does not want you to make a mistaken assumption.

When it comes to his feelings and personal information, a Pisces man frequently overshares. He can be trying to back off or signal to you that he is not interested if he is trying not to share anything with you.

  1. A Pisces man retrains himself. 

A Pisces man will be open to you if he really likes you. So, if he starts restraining himself, it could be for some reason. 

A Pisces man is afraid of getting hurt. If he is still in pain because of the past, he will be careful in getting into a new relationship. 

A Pisces man does not jump into things immediately. Instead, he wants to know first how you feel about him. 

  1. A Pisces man is hard to get. 

A Pisces man is an open book. He can feel emotions deeply. 

If a Pisces man is playing hard to get, he will make every attempt for you to read him badly. He may try hiding his feelings from you but is not always good at it. 

A Pisces man is probably playing hard to get if you notice that he makes an effort to maintain a poker face whenever you are around. He does not want to suggest that he likes you in any way. 

A Pisces man is reluctant to express his feelings to you. You will be able to tell when he is trying to deliberately disguise his emotions as you get to know him better.

  1. A Pisces man will ghost you.

A Pisces man will eventually leave you if he is leading you on. However, if he is being evasive, he will finally return.

If a Pisces man likes you, he will not avoid you forever. Whether he plays hard to get or not, a Pisces man will find you eventually.

A Pisces man will return to you right away if he misses you. Unfortunately, he sometimes plays hard to get, and it backfires.

A Pisces man will just end up playing himself if you do not respond. He may ignore you for a variety of reasons other than just being a jerk. 

A Pisces man trying to persuade you understands that he needs to take action to demonstrate his interest in you. If he is only teasing you, he will not ghost you indefinitely.

  1. A Pisces man will become quiet. 

After you two have been talking a lot, a Pisces man can suddenly stop talking. When he does this, he might be trying to be tricky.

Ignore him back to make a Pisces man miss you. He will quickly understand that he cannot play with you if he tries.

But occasionally, a Pisces man really does need some alone time. He does not always have the best social skills. 

A Pisces man could need some alone time to rest and recharge if he spends a lot of time with you. If he is trying to avoid you, you will be the one he withdraws from. 

A Pisces man will not chat with anyone else if he needs some alone time. He will ultimately return, whether he is being evasive or simply needs some alone time. 

A Pisces man will want to chat with you if he likes you. He will not be able to disappear indefinitely.

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How to Attract a Pisces man that is playing hard to get?


A Pisces man tends to be creative. He needs to see that his potential spouse has a creative streak and enjoys doing something cultural with their free time before a relationship can even begin. 

A Pisces man is artistic. He believes that being creative and artistic is a fantastic method to express their emotions when he cannot do it verbally. 


A Pisces man likes compassionate women because of his highly emotional and sensitive character, which appreciates compassion. He desires to be with a you who puts the needs of others above her own.


A Pisces man enjoys showing his wife or girlfriend affection. He is generous with both money and emotional support when he is dating or involved with someone. 

So, while he will shower his girlfriend with gifts, he will also be kind to her regarding assistance. This can come in the form of encouragement that gives her the courage to face her demons, whether at work or in any other area where she needs more security.

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To attract a Pisces man, you must have a romantic outlook on life. He will like you much more if you have positive and romantic perceptions about the future.

The ability to once again be oneself is one of the key reasons a Pisces man appreciates idealism in his loved ones. He prefers to be with a dreamer.


Because of a Pisces man’s high level of dedication, he values loyalty in others. A Pisces man needs to know that you are loyal to your friends and family for him to find you attractive.


It is crucial to be a nice person if you wish to date a Pisces man. There are many methods to be kind, but it is also a good idea to demonstrate your kindness to him.

Remember to ask him how he is to achieve this, especially if he has experienced any ups and downs in his life. Being consistent in your approach to showing kindness to him and other people is crucial because kindness can occasionally be a subtle deed.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.