Two of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) -

Two of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed)

Please email me at karen[at] if you have any questions. I pick up on your energy and let you know what I can see with regards to your question. These are direct from spirit and no cards are used. I will do my best to answer them :)

Two of the swords is part of the minor arcana group. This card depicts a blindfolded woman wearing a white robe. 

Two of swords speaks of a decision you need to make. Decision-making is a bit more tricky than you think, since there are a lot of factors in the decision, especially if you have things at stake. 

This card shows that you are not sure of what to decide. You are confused and in deep thought of whether what decision will gain the best outcome. 

By using your intellect and intuition, you should select the best decision in the given situation.

The woman seems to be in deep meditation as her surroundings help in maintaining the calm atmosphere.

In the background is an ocean with rocks and islands part of it. The moon is also found high up in the sky, above the woman. 

The atmosphere is clean, spotless, and blue, and heaven reflects the calm waters.

Two of Swords Upright Keywords

  • Difficult decisions
  • Weighing up options
  • Avoidance
  • Stalemate
  • Difficult choices
  • Stuck in the middle
  • Hidden information
  • Time to think
  • Meditation
  • Coming to crossroads
  • Truce
  • Sitting on the fence
  • Painful decisions
  • Blindness
  • Inability to see the truth
  • Blocked emotions
  • Denial
  • Facing fears
  • Being torn between two relationships

Two of Swords Reversed Keywords

  • Hesitancy
  • Indecisive
  • Anxiety
  • Too much information
  • No right choice
  • Truth revealed
  • Confusion
  • Stalemate
  • Deception
  • Emotional detachment
  • Delays
  • Postponements
  • Emotional turmoil
  • Overwhelming emotions
  • Mental turmoil

Two of Swords General Meaning

The woman in the image is wearing a white robe/ dress that is representative of purity. The woman is innocent and naive. 

She must be heedless of the things around her. In addition, her eyes are covered by a blindfold. 

This symbolizes that she is confused and her vision is compromised. It’s either she doesn't see the problem, the solution, or both. 

Although the woman exhibits a confused person, she remains calm and balanced.

She carefully weighs both her choices and assesses which option she should choose. She considers which sword she will pick. 

The blades are also a symbol of intellect. They can be representations of her thoughts.

The water symbolizes the calm nature of the woman. It also tells us about the flow of her thoughts. The rocks can symbolize the hurdles along the way.

 Just like how a boat avoids rocks when sailing, you should also be careful of these things. Refrain from letting these rocks disrupt your smooth sail.

Two of Swords (Upright) Meaning

It’s essential to take a bold step and remove the blindfolds off. The blindfold can be a representative of your fear of making the decision. 

Perhaps you are worried about the consequences. Do not be afraid to take the blindfold off and see a clearer view of the whole situation. 

This will significantly help you with decision-making.

This card can also signify your refusal to make a choice. However, this is just temporary. 

You are just dragging the situation out. Sooner or later, you must make a move. In situations like these, you need to assess whether it’s worth the drag and the stress. 

Make a sound decision for yourself. Acting upon what you decide on is a step closer to your triumph.

Two of Swords (Upright) in In Love and Relationship

The Two of Swords may be an essential card for a love reading. This may be in relation to your difficulty in making choices in love.

You may be someone who is sure of what you want. However, you’re not showing the things or standards you have in real life.

You’re finding difficulty in coming up with a decision. You don’t know if you should stay or you should go.


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Two of Swords (Upright) in Career and Finance

Similar to the Knight of Swords tarot, Two of swords speaks of a misunderstanding and conflict at your workplace. This situation can be causing anxiety and stress to you. 

You may be put in a position where you need to choose from your colleagues with different opinions. This can be a cause of further chaos, so you may choose to be impartial and neutral.

This card can also speak to a decision you need to make about your career. You may have been struggling in choosing between two career paths

Although it sounds incredible that you have choices, this decision is crucial because it will be long-term.

You need to gather up information for you to be able to make the best possible decision. In the financial aspect, this card can address your tendency to be in denial. 

Perhaps you are avoiding seeing your financial situation because of anxiety. In the case of economic decisions, it’s best to look at it and study more about it.

Two of Swords (Upright) in Health

This card speaks of a blockage in the flow of emotion. These blockages can cause harmful effects on your health. 

Perhaps you are suppressing your feelings to the point of no return. This is causing you discomfort and uneasiness.

These pent-up emotions that overwhelm you can also cause physical manifestations. If you have been struggling with these types of issues, it’s best to see a doctor. 

Take care of your emotional health. Take care of yourself in general because everything is connected, and they affect your health as a whole.

Two of Swords (Upright) in Spirituality

This card indicates that your vision might be pretty blurry in the case of choosing a spiritual path. This card encourages you to regain the balance in yourself. 

It would help if you reconnected deeper and tune in clearly. When you do, this will help provide a clearer view of your best choice.

Two of Swords (Reversed) Meaning

This card in reverse also speaks of a difficult decision to make. The choices seem to be problematic when chosen. 

And so, you feel stuck and stagnated. 

You might be facing a situation with no end in sight. You may be in an ongoing struggle with a friend or a colleague. 

Both parties do not see the importance of communicating and the whole picture. As a result, this can lead to fallout and breaking relationships.

This card can also speak of you trying to be a peacemaker between two parties in your life. However, you may just be contributing to the tension causing the chaos to grow. 

You need to choose your battles. If you think you don’t have a role to play in that situation, it’s better to leave it to them.

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Two of Swords (Reversed) in Love and Relationship

The Two of Swords in reverse shows you two choices. This may be in relation to your current relationship situation.

These two choices are not considered to be right for you. This is because both of them will only cause you heartbreak in the end.

So whatever you choose, know that it will hurt you. But also remember that the pain is good, and it will always last.

If you are single, this card speaks of anxiety in terms of dating.You are still in the process of getting yourself together from the past relationship you had. 

It’s essential to take the time you need before getting yourself into a relationship. Wait until you are ready so you refrain from hurting anyone.

Two of Swords (Reversed) in Career and Finance

Two of swords in reverse can speak of the tension at work getting higher and higher. You might feel like you are stuck. 

It seems as if whatever decision you will make will both put you in the wrong place. Take your time and do not decide impulsively. 

Gather facts and information.

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In the financial aspect, a ray of hope is entering your life. You are now more informed about your financial decisions. 

You have become more grounded as time passes by. Your vision is becoming more apparent, and you seem to see the bigger picture now. 

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Two of Swords (Reversed) in Health

Reversed two of swords can indicate your difficulty in finding balance. You may find it challenging to balance your emotions and thoughts. 

These may be taking a toll on your health. Spend time taking take care of yourself.

Two of Swords (Reversed) in Spirituality

This card in reverse can indicate information overload. You might be overdoing and overstraining yourself in improving and learning. 

Spiritual growth has its own pace too. Try to find yours and do not force anything.

Two of Swords: YES or NO?

Two of swords is a card of being unable to make a decision yet. Despite having information, this card encourages one to find more to make a sound decision.

 This card encourages the nurturing of balance in assessing your choices. Because of these, there is NO EXACT answer to your yes or no question. 

Perhaps you may have to stick with ‘maybe.’ Nevertheless, this card urges you to assess and weigh all variables before making a decision.

Two of Swords Advice

The Two of Swords wants to remind you to speak your truth. It’s never too late to say what’s on your mind and what you feel.

It will only be difficult if you choose to keep things on the inside. It will be difficult if you don’t choose to express yourself to others.

Expressing yourself isn’t to justify focusing only on your side. It enhances you to avoid misunderstandings with people you communicate with.

Two of Swords Reversed Advice

The Two of Swords card in reverse wants you to make a decision. If you continue to run from your responsibilities, the decision will be made for you.

Now isn’t the time to act indecisive about what you want. Set out your intentions and goals, and be sure to be clear about them.

Two of Swords as a Person

The Two of Swords is someone who restores balance. If this is you, you’re consistent in aligning your thoughts and actions.

You’re someone who wants to do things in an organized way. You don’t want things to be untidy or disorganized before you start working.

You’re the kind of person who would consistently implement peace. Perhaps you’re the one who resolves disputes and arguments between family or friends.

Two of Swords Reversed as a Person

The Two of Swords, in reverse, is someone who can’t balance things. Maybe you’re having difficulty organizing your responsibilities.

You don’t try to implement proper time management to increase your productivity. So you continue to overwhelm yourself with the choices you have.

You’re someone who is unable to dichotomize facts from fiction. As a result, you would often have your own delusional world.

Two of Swords Advice

In the present, you’ll need to start working on your goals. If you’ve been thinking about starting a new project, DO IT NOW!

Don’t continue to drown yourself in constant hesitation because it will only delay your progress in the things you want to accomplish.

You’re now having an abundance of options at hand. But be sure not to take too long to arrive at a final choice.

Two of Swords Past

In the past, you were someone who used to be stuck. You felt like all your efforts and progress went into static mode.

This is because you used to go back and forth with your decisions. You became indecisive on the goals that need to be a priority.

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Two of Swords Future

In the future, you’ll have to make more significant decisions. But you’re confident that you’ll be able to arrive at a fulfilling conclusion.

You’re now preparing yourself for what’s about to happen. An abundance of opportunities will knock at your door and make you choose.

This will be the moment that you need to be specific. This will be the moment when you need to know what you really want.

Two of Swords as How Someone Feels About You

Someone may feel like they’re not in a suitable space to decide now. This person is indecisive about the things they want to do with you.

This person doesn’t have a clear vision of what they want. So they continue to linger on the possible choices available to them.

This person feels hesitant in opening themselves to you. But they would handle your sincerity and anxiousness about your current situation.

Two of Swords Outcome

The Two of Swords, as an outcome, will lead you to make a decision. You’ll face a stage in your life wherein you need to make a significant decision.

Perhaps you’re still balancing and analyzing the pros and cons. You may take your time before impulsively arriving at a conclusion.

Two of Swords Pregnancy and Fertility

The Two of Swords card may be a sign related to pregnancy. This will specifically focus on what you want to do about the process.

Perhaps this is one of the pieces of news that you’ve been waiting for. But you’re also aware that you need to make wise and stable decisions.

Two of Swords Energy

The Two of Swords has immense energy to face your decisions. You may currently weigh the pros and cons of the options available.

This immense energy resides with your ability to be specific because you have what it takes to have a clear vision of the life you want.

It resides in your power to decide something for yourself. This will only intensify your individual growth and constant drive to thrive.

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Two of Swords as Action

The Two of Swords apply action based on your decisions. This is a sign that you need to make clear choices to avoid conflicts.

If you want to achieve something for yourself, DO IT NOW. Don’t let the passing of time dictate you that you can’t fulfill your goals.

You may be someone who would focus on being emotional. Instead of taking action based on logic, you let your emotions consume you.

Two of Swords as Intentions

The Two of Swords as intentions is someone who gains clarity. You may be someone who would choose to have peace of mind.

This is because you don’t want to linger in confusing situations. You don’t want to continue questioning or doubting yourself about people.

You’re someone who has a clear intention for your goals. You’ll never stop until you find the clarity or confirmation you need.

Two of Swords as How Someone Sees You

Someone sees you as the person who avoids reality. You may be someone who chooses to look at fiction instead of facts.

This person sees you as someone who runs away from your problems. This is because you don’t want to make a final decision.

Two of Swords Time Frame

The Two of Swords can have a specific time frame. However, it would always depend on you and your situation.

A specific period may start on September 23 to October 2. This may lead to a decision or path that you must take immediately.

It is also possible that an event may occur in two days. The Two of Swords has a connection with the element of air.

Two of Swords as a Woman

The Two of Swords card as a woman can be found in the card. A woman in a white robe is holding a sword while she is blindfolded.

This can be a resemblance to the lady justice statute. This statute is what we usually see in courts or representation of the law.

Two of Swords as a Man

The Two of Swords can be a representation of a man. You may be someone who wants to be sure of what you want.

But you’re currently working on the things you want to achieve. And this is okay; this is okay, even if you’re still learning how to grow.

You’re someone who wants to apply your masculine energy. You’ll use this energy in the abilities and choices you make.

Two of Swords Communication

The Two of Swords is an essential card for communication. This serves as your guide to truly express your desires in life.

This may be a sign that you’re not acknowledging the thoughts of others. Remember that this may lead you to constant disputes.

Nothing will prevail and progress if no one is willing to listen. And it’s essential to keep in mind that the right people will listen.

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Two of Swords Reconciliation

The Two of Swords stands for confusion in reconciliation. A past person is still perplexed about whether they should reach out or not.

This person still doesn’t know how to deal with this situation. They’ve been going back and forth in this connection.

They would often admit that they miss you. They want to reach out to you, but they don’t know how.

Two of Swords Physical Appearance

The Two of Swords can have a specific physical appearance. However, it will still depend on the person who received the card.

The Two of Swords can have the representation of the lady justice statue since this statue presents a woman wearing a blindfold.

This woman is also holding a weighing scale in her hand. This may represent the available choices that you continue to compare.

Two of Swords Reversed Outcome

The Two of Swords, as an outcome, leads you in the right direction. This may be a sign that you’re finally at the right time and place.

You now have what it takes to be certain of your decisions. You may be someone who is now peacefully living a happy life.

You continue to form healthy connections with friends and family. Whenever something worries you, opening up is never for hesitation.

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Two of Swords Reversed Pregnancy

The Two of Swords can be a meaningful sign of pregnancy. Instead of lingering in delaying the labor, you start to focus on yourself.

If you’re now pregnant, you’re doing everything it takes to stay healthy. You’re not stopping yourself from exercising or meditation.

This is because you believe that this will benefit your baby. The more productive you can be, the more your body becomes physically fit.

Two of Swords Friendship

The Two of Swords is an essential card for friendship. This may encourage you to make more cool memories with your friends.

Now is the perfect opportunity to do something exciting. And you’ll gladly want to experience this moment with your friends.

Take this as a sign to start planning dates and road trips. Think of whatever plan will strengthen the bond of your friendship.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.