Twin Flame Separation Pain (Complete Guide): Why Is It So Bad? -

Twin Flame Separation Pain (Complete Guide): Why Is It So Bad?

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Pain. It is inescapable in the world we live in. You may not always be in pain, but there will be times when you will feel pain. Whether that pain is physical, emotional, or any other kind of aspect, there will be a pain.

Even twin flames, who are in the middle of a blissful relationship, will experience pain. The pain will be especially apparent when the twin flames experience the separation stage in their twin flame journey.

This guide will help you understand the pain involved in the separation stage of your twin flame journey, what the possible causes of the pain are, if twin flames can somehow feel the pain of their partner and how one can cope with the pain during the time they are separated from their twin flame. You might find this article on how to cope with twin flames helpful.

I was in a really bad place before I knew my twin flame. Working two jobs, struggling to pay rent and just always so lonely.

After meeting him, I launched a business and made $10,000 the first month, moved into a bigger place, and I’ve never looked back. You can speed up your twin flame’s journey to you by identifying them.
>>> My Friend Psychic Jane clairvoyant can see your twin flame and sketch them for you.
(P.S. Finding your twin flame is a meeting of souls, and could lead to a tumultuously hot ‘bedroom’ experience.)

What is the twin flame separation stage?

The twin flame separation stage is a stage during your twin flame journey where you and your twin flame will be separated with a physical distance. After being separated, you may not meet your twin flame again for a while. This separation is unlike any kind of normal separation, as it will hurt much more than any other relationship cut-off. It will feel like an arm that was reattached was once again blown out with a cannon. It will feel like you lost something important again after looking for it for a long time.

More than the emotional pain, you’ll experience mental stress and spiritual strain. The situation will make your head hurt. Additionally, the spiritual bond that you have with your twin flame will make it feel like you’re hanging on a string. There’s hope, but there’s also desperation.

Twin flames during the twin flame separation stage can be divided into two parties: the runner twin and the chaser twin. The runner twin title itself already explains what the runner twin does, which is to run away from the relationship. They may be the ones who understood first that there’s something that’s lacking in the relationship, and that both of you aren’t ready.

On the other hand, the chaser twin is the one who was left behind. They’re the ones who are tagging along because of the spiritual connection between twin flames that don’t allow them to be left behind.

You and your twin flame can go through a separation stage. However, it is not set in stone that you will always have a separation stage in your twin flame journey. The biggest reason why there is a twin flame separation stage is that you and your twin flame are not yet ready for the true union. Both of you still have a lot to learn in your journey.

During this time, the Universe will be giving both of you guidance, because even if you and your twin flame are separated physically, you are still meant to be with each other. You still have that special spiritual bond that twin flames have, and that means you and your twin flame are never really separated in spirit.

Why Is There So Much Pain?

The main reason still goes back to the definition of being twin flames. Since the two of you are twin flames, you both came from a single soul and were only divided into two and given to two separate physical bodies. You always have that spiritual link that will not be divided even if both twin flame parties are married to other partners. That spiritual link is also the cause of all the pain twin flames get when they separate, as well as all the bliss when you reach the true union stage.

If you are not sure they are your twin flame, my friend Psychic Jane can draw what your Twin Flame looks like. Discover what your Twin Flame looks like here >>

As for the pain, it’s a result of the spiritual bond affecting the energies in the body. Spiritual energy fluctuations can interfere with the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of human lives. To do that, spiritual energies affect the chakras that are in the human body.

An incredible amount of energy is displaced and transferred during your twin flame journey. These energies come from your spiritual bond and flow into your body through your chakra points.

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Chakra is the Hindu word for wheel, and it refers to the body’s energy points. Think of them as spinning pinwheels or miniature invisible black holes, if you will. These holes control one’s physical, mental, and emotional aspects. Any alterations in energy fluctuations for these chakras will certainly affect one’s life.

One of the chakra points is found in the center of the chest, and it is called the heart chakra point.

Heart chakra point

The heart chakra point is one of the seven main chakra points in the body. As with any chakra point, the heart chakra point controls certain parts of one’s physical, mental, and emotional aspects. If your heart chakra point is affected, you can experience physical illnesses to your heart. You can also possibly experience lingering weight problems and lung complications, ranging from small to significant.

Heart chakra energy interference also causes possible emotional changes, such as the tendency to put others first or sudden feelings of loneliness. Since the heart chakra point is the one that controls our ability to connect to others, it also gets affected by a spiritual energy that is directed towards one’s relationship with other people.

Heart chakra and twin flame pain

Because twin flames have a strong spiritual connection, the spiritual energies accompanying the bond can interfere with the heart chakra depending on the circumstances. One of those circumstances is the twin flame separation stage. That stage is an event that is chock full of spiritual energy that affects the heart chakra. The changes in the heart chakra then manifest in what the twin flames feel when they are apart from each other.

Those feelings can include intense loneliness and loss. Some people attest that they can feel physical pain as well during the twin flame separation stage. That pain can also be attributed to the disturbance of the heart chakra point. Any changes that happen to one’s physical, mental, and emotional health during the twin flame separation stage (or every other stage in the twin flame journey) can be traced back to the spiritual energy affecting the heart chakra.

Dealing With the Twin Flame Separation Pain

It’s understandable if you are looking for ways to get rid of the pain from the twin flame separation stage. It hurts so much that you’d want to get rid of it right away. Unfortunately, there’s simply no one-shot bullet for the pain you’re experiencing while being away from your twin flame. There are, however, some ways to ease the pain that you’re experiencing.

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Keeping your feelings bottled in will eventually come back to bite you. It will also increase the time before you reunite with your twin. Why? Because the main cause for your separation is your unreadiness, and you can’t be ready if you can’t even move on from the bottled-up feelings that you have.

Express your sadness fully. Grieve and cry if you have to, even if you’re a guy. It isn’t even just limited to crying. If you’re talented with sketching or any other art forms, you can show it through your art. You can also do the same with musical instruments.

Whatever you need to do to make you feel better, you should do it as long as it’s not illegal or harmful to you. Once you feel better, you can carry on and improve yourself. The sadness won’t last forever.

  • Understanding

There’s a quote that says fear comes from the unknown. Fear causes a lot of stress, and you’d want to deal with that anxiety immediately. The urgency to deal with the situation is also present for twin flames experiencing the twin flame separation stage. That’s why one way to deal with the situation is to understand the situation and to remove the unknown aspect(s) of your separation as twin flames.

There’s a whole lot to understand. It’s not just the situation that you are in, but you also have to understand your twin flame’s situation. You have to understand why they are running away if they are the runner twin. You also have to understand if you are the runner twin, or even if you are the chaser twin. Look for what you are lacking that made your relationship go south.

  • Realization

After understanding the whys, you should also realize the positives of the twin flame separation stage. For example, you can say that it's a good thing that the two of you got separated because now you have more time to focus on yourself. Or perhaps the separation was good because you two were fighting too much and needed a breather, and possibly a course in anger management.

There’s another quote that says what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. If you don’t get depressed enough to commit suicide, and you do something that can make you bounce back, you will bounce back stronger than ever. It’s as if you’re a ball that was thrown by your weaknesses hard on the ground, only for you to bounce back and hit them squarely on their jaws.

You should realize that your twin flame separation stage is a trial as well as an opportunity. You should use that opportunity as much as possible, and when you and your twin flame meet again, your bond will be stronger than ever.

  • Don’t let the pain control you

People who are struck by pain are under the impression that they should close off everything else and let pain guide them in their lives. It’s not their fault for being struck by pain and being affected by it, but it would be their fault if they let pain control their lives. Pain is a sensation felt by human beings, but humans are beings who are capable of healing. That only means pain is a fleeting sensation because pain is something that can be healed.

Don’t let the pain control you. Instead, take control of the pain. It doesn’t mean that you have to numb yourself to the pain. It means that you should turn pain into a learning experience. Pain can show you a lot of things if you can take control of it.

For example, your pain can make you understand that you are an emotional being capable of feelings like love and disappointment. The pain can allow you to gauge how much you’ve given in the relationship and how much the relationship means to you.

  • Actualization

At this point, you actualize the discoveries that you have found out through your mourning, understanding, realizations, and dealings with pain. This point is like the final stage of grief, which is acceptance. When you accept that the pain is passing, that you and your twin flame will meet once again, you can move on with doing what’s more important. That is, you can now focus on self-improvement. You can absorb what you have learned in your grief, pain, and suffering, and use them to fuel your resurgence.

When self-improvement happens, your reunion with your twin flame is not far off in the future.

If your twin flame has already left this world, you may be interested about how Communicating With Your Deceased Twin Flame works. 

P.S. I highly recommend checking out Psychic Jane as she has the ability to detect and draw the face of anyone's Twin Flame. She has been gifted with strong abilities in both Clairvoyance (the ability to see) and Clairsentience (the ability to feel). Reach out to her and you’ll be stunned by the results. Click here to get started >>

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.