Twin Flame Telepathic Communication (Complete Guide) -

Twin Flame Telepathic Communication (Complete Guide)

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There have been cases where half of the twin flame pair was doing his/her own business when suddenly they receive a sudden jolt on one of their limbs. They look down to see what happened, only to find nothing nearby that might cause that jolt.

They have a bad feeling about it, but they just put it in the back of their minds. Their twin flame, later on, calls them about getting into an accident, hurting them on the same limb where that earlier jolt you felt was.

The given scenario is what we call telepathy. It is a kind of communication that happens remotely, without you physically conveying a message to another person. It is a kind of communication that is common to people who are especially attuned to the Universe or between people who have very close connections with one another.

Twin flame telepathic communication is a deep bond where two souls share thoughts without speaking. They can sense each other's feelings, even from afar. It's an intuitive and unique connection between them.

Guess what? Twin flames are really close to one another. It's not just a matter of being close physically, mentally, or emotionally. Twin flames are a single soul separated into two bodies.

They have this connection that had started long before they got separated physically. They are very attuned to one another. That is why telepathic connections and communication are common between twin flames, which we call twin flame telepathy.

I was in a really bad place before I knew my twin flame. Working two jobs, struggling to pay rent and just always so lonely.

After meeting him, I launched a business and made $10,000 the first month, moved into a bigger place, and I’ve never looked back. You can speed up your twin flame’s journey to you by identifying them.
>>> My Friend Psychic Jane clairvoyant can see your twin flame and sketch them for you.
(P.S. Finding your twin flame is a meeting of souls, and could lead to a tumultuously hot ‘bedroom’ experience.)

What is twin flame telepathy?

Twin flame telepathy is a kind of connection between each half of the twin flame pair. No two twin flame journeys are the same. That means that some twin flames might have a powerful telepathic connection, whereas other twin flames don't feel any of that at all. However, there have been a lot of reports regarding twin flame telepathy. There's enough of them to prove that it exists.

Simply put, twin flame telepathy is a special connection between you and your twin flame, one that has started even before your soul was split into two and distributed to physical bodies. You and your twin flame have the same energy vibration because you are one soul. Additionally, the telepathy you receive will conform to the stage you currently are in with your twin flame.

Radio wave frequency

The closest thing to describing this phenomenon is that of radio wave frequencies. Some radio station frequencies are challenging to get, and some of them you can't even get at all. However, there are also radio station frequencies that you can easily capture, and you can hear them very clearly.

The same is true with twin flames versus other people. As was mentioned earlier, twin flames are incredibly attuned with each other, giving them higher sensitivity towards telepathic communication with each other. You are more likely to sense your twin flame's vibrations than those of other people because your soul's energy vibrations resonate as one. Because of that, you gain these kinds of connections that otherwise won't exist in your relationship with other people.


Twin flame telepathy is also an adapting connection. It conforms to the stage of your relationship with your twin flame. Most twin flame telepathy happens during two critical stages in your relationship:

  1. During the twin flame separation stage, you need guidance the most to get back on track in your journey towards true union. Usually, the twin flame separation stage is when the intense emotions and feelings of wanting to get back together manifest themselves. The twin flames often dream about meeting each other. They also think about one another and telepathically send messages, albeit not the very controlled ones.
  2. During the twin flames' true union, when the twin flames' soul is finally back together with itself. It is usually the stage when the twin flames can hear each other's thoughts or could have been seeing twin flame numbers with specific meanings.. The bond they have is so strong already that they can sometimes communicate with each other telepathically and even control what to send to their partners
  3. Although twin flame telepathy is not limited to these two events, they are most noticeable during these times. Additionally, take note that not all twin flames undergo either of these stages. There are twin flames that don't experience the separation stage because they are mature and ready for the true union. There are also twin flames that don't undergo true union and get separated for good.
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The thing here is that twin flame telepathy conforms to the need of the stage you are currently in. If you are still in the stage where you don't need the connection, it may not be easy to manifest telepathy. This difficulty is especially true when you are not practicing telepathy actively.

Twin flame telepathy also changes depending on the strength of the twin flames' bond. The closer they are to the true union, the stronger the telepathy also becomes. When the twin flames achieve true union, they can also manifest telepathy best when their bond is most robust.

If you are not sure they are your twin flame, my friend Psychic Jane can draw what your Twin Flame looks like. Discover what your Twin Flame looks like here >>

What is not twin flame telepathy?

Due to mainstream media, there have been a lot of misconceptions regarding telepathy. Most people think that you have to be able to read minds or speak directly to a mind without physically doing anything to prove that you have telepathy. You need to understand what telepathy truly is. You may be misguided by mainstream media, and you may even lose that telepathic ability. Even if you don't lose it, you may be led by the media to believe that it's another thing to ignore when it happens.

It's sad to think about the twin flames who thought their connection was not telepathic when it is because of the misguidance. Meeting your twin flame is already rare, and twin flame telepathy is a very special connection. There have been cases where twin flames separated because they thought their connection was not good enough. Hopefully, you and your twin flame won't undergo the same thing.

Not like how mainstream media describes it

Contrary to mainstream media, telepathy is not overly showy. It's very subtle, a lot more subtle than how movies depict it. Let these examples show you how different mainstream media is to real telepathy.

Example 1 (Mainstream media):

A telepathic man looks at a married couple in a restaurant and asks them if he can perform mental magic. The couple agrees, and after a few suggestions, he was able to mute the wife, but she's still conscious. He then did a series of tricks and was able to read the husband's mind telepathically. He uncovers the man's hidden secret of going out with the wife's sister. He then offers the husband a chance to remove the wife's memory about their conversation for a fee.

Example 2 (Twin flame telepathy):

The twin flame husband was cooking in the kitchen when he suddenly felt a wave of disappointment flush over him. He continues to stir the pot when the front door of the house opens. His wife comes in and shares with him the heavy traffic she experienced. She also conveyed her disappointment of not being able to come home in time to watch her favorite soccer team play on the live television broadcast.

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Not simply like verbal communication

Twin flame telepathy need not be very explicit, like hearing your twin flame's thoughts during that moment, or like getting subtitles to those thoughts. You can feel it in waves of emotion or shared feelings.

It's not the same as using the phone, where, with words, you immediately understand what they're trying to say. It's not always like sharing verbal messages physically. Do note that there are times when the connection becomes so strong that you can communicate with your twin flame through words sent telepathically in your mind. However, most of the time, twin flame telepathy is like putting emotions in a bottle then letting it float along the stream that connects you and your twin flame. It's subtle, but it's telepathy.

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Forms of twin flame telepathy

Twin flame telepathy can come in different forms. Again, since the twin flames share a soul, their spiritual bond is firm because they vibrate in a single frequency. Because of that, it allows them to communicate spiritually, and these can come in different forms. Listed below are some of the said forms of twin flame telepathy.

  • Emotion sharing

Emotion sharing is the most common form of twin flame telepathy and the most subtle one. For some reason, you can feel the emotion that your twin flame is feeling before they even talk about it. A physical distance may separate you, and no prior communication about how they feel has been made. But you can feel their emotion.

It's easier to convey extreme emotions. You can feel things like anger, pain, and excitement even before you see your twin flame. Even lesser emotions are expressed when your connection with your twin flame is strong enough. Telepathy is even more noticeable when you feel differently from your twin flame when your twin sends out a specific emotion.

The stronger the bond, the easier the conveyance of emotion is. The twin flames can also react faster because of these kinds of bonds. There have been instances when a twin flame saved his/her other half because of this telepathic connection. They felt the desperation or intense pain of their twin flame and immediately rushed to their aid. Emotion sharing is critical, and one should not underestimate it.

  • Dream sharing

Many people also relate this to astral projection. Our spirits can be made manifest in our dreams, and this is the form that is closest to the Divine. Because of this, we are free from our physical bodies' limitations, and we can do more than we can typically. Our spirits will also move towards the path where they feel the most attraction. That path is our twin flame's because they are vibrating one frequency as ours.

Dream sharing usually happens when you and your twin flame are separated by a considerable distance that you cannot easily overcome. When the twin flames are very far away from each other, their shared soul will feel very uncomfortable. The intense feeling of missing your other half will allow you to muster your spiritual self in your sleep and follow the single soul that connects the twin flames. Sleeping will enable dreams, and when the spirit becomes free through dreams, they will look to soothe the soul's discomfort.

Dream sharing can also have a variety of forms. The twins may experience visiting each other in their dreams. They may even have lucid dreams, where each twin flame can control what they can do inside their dreams. Some twin flame pairs even have sexual encounters this way due to their intense feeling of missing their other halves. They may even project themselves into the astral plane together and travel around where they want to go.

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  • Telepathic audiovisual communication

Audiovisual communication that happens in the mind, now that's what mainstream media is more inclined to. There are sporadic instances when twin flames do telepathic audiovisual communication while awake. However, most of those kinds of communication happen during dreams. Even if they are already in true union, most twin flames still can't do audiovisual telepathic communication while awake. That's why those kinds of connections often only happen while they are asleep.

Once you break down the physical barriers, you can now visit your twin flame. The hard part here is enabling the use of physical means of communication, such as words and images. However, if you can overcome that, you can now do telepathic audiovisual communication with your twin.

Twin flame telepathy through dreams is different from ordinary dreams and conversations during those dreams. People only remember a few of the dreams that come up when they fall asleep. However, telepathic audiovisual communication allows you to recall the conversations you had with your twin flame while inside the dream. In short, normal dreams may be quickly forgotten, while telepathic audiovisual communication will stay in your memory.

Still, being able to connect through audiovisual telepathy is very impressive. That means that the twin flames have good control and mastery over their telepathic communication. That also means that the twin flame's energy vibrations have reached a very high level of resonance. Their frequency is not the problem as they have the same frequency in the first place.

I wrote an article about Twin Flame Telepathy Signs During Separation that you might find interesting.

How to send telepathic messages to your twin flame?

The above question is a complex problem to answer.

Because here's the catch: at the beginning, you don't have reasonable control over your ability to communicate telepathically to your twin flame. It just happens due to the strong connection between you and your twin flame. Later on, as you progress in your spiritual journey to reunite yourself with your twin flame and become one soul, your bond will grow stronger. As your bond grows more robust, you will also experience twin flame telepathy more and more.

  • Learning curve dilemma

With telepathy, it becomes easier to control the more you practice it as part of your being. It's just like training your muscles or improving your memory. With repetition, your muscles become more robust, and your memory becomes sharper. In the same way, with repetition, your control over telepathy also becomes more vigorous.

By the time you have reasonable control over telepathy, you no longer need anyone to tell you how to do it. It just comes naturally to you, and you have much better control over it than when you first experienced twin flame telepathy.

It is important to note that you don't have to do anything to experience telepathy with your twin flame. It just happens naturally. You don't need prior training nor experience to have twin flame telepathy. It doesn't even depend on what stage you are in with your twin flame. However, the higher the stage you are in your twin flame journey, the more likely you can experience twin flame telepathy.

  • Unclear stage

There's also another stage for twin flames that may induce twin flame telepathy, but it's not clear whether that stage is higher up on your journey or the rock bottom. It's called the twin flame separation stage. During this time, you are separated from your twin flame. The reason for twin flame telepathy is for you to reconnect with your twin flame, and it just happens naturally during this time.

No, it is not recommended to purposefully separate yourself from your twin just because you want to experience twin flame telepathy. Be aware that there are twin flame couples that don't reach true union. The twin flame separation stage done deliberately may very well be the reason why you won't achieve true union.

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No two twin flame journeys are the same

Another important note is that no two twin flame journeys are the same. That means some twin flames quickly develop telepathy. There are also twin flames who slowly but surely get the hang of twin flame telepathy. Then there are also twin flames who can't feel telepathy happening between them.

The last sentence is quite concerning because twin flames have an excellent connection with each other due to their shared soul. If a twin flame pair don't experience twin flame telepathy, it's one of these things:

  1. They're not a true twin flame pair.
  2. They're just slow at developing telepathy. Maybe the twin pair need to wait for a few more stages into their relationship to get it going.
  3. Things are blocking the way of communication—for example, negative emotional states.

Potential negatives of twin flame telepathy

Twin flame telepathy is not always a positive thing. There are also possible negatives to twin flame telepathy. It's important to note the negatives because it will give you information and guide you about what to do. If you are to be made aware of what might negatively impact you and your twin flame, you may be able to avoid them.

Twin flame telepathy addiction

There are instances where one or both parties of the twin flame pair get addicted to the feeling of twin flame telepathy, or at least of the thought of being finally able to do telepathy. Because of this, they constantly contact each other through telepathy now, to the point of neglecting physical contact with their twin flames.

For video game addicts, this one hits home hard. The mere thought of doing things that are generally not available to most people in the physical world pulls you into the experience. Imagine having otherworldly powers and being able to use them on your command. That can be an excellent motivation to train your control over twin flame telepathy. However, it can also get you addicted to the process and make you lose sight of what is important.

Twin flame telepathy is doubly addicting because it deals with connections. People are social beings. We all thrive in communicating with others, even those not of the same species as humans. Even loners will have times when they crave socialization; it's just that it's difficult for them. Also, loners are even more prone to twin flame telepathy addiction because it enables them to socialize when they usually couldn't.

It's important to realize that twin flame telepathy is a means to an end and not an end by itself. Telepathy is used to draw you closer to your twin flame in times when you are apart. It should not be a replacement for physical contact and communication with your twin flame.

Accidentally tap into your negatives

Because your twin flame is your mirror, it is essential to control your twin flame telepathy slowly. Why? Because you might accidentally tap into your twin flame's ego while it's open, and it will let you see his/her negatives. Because you and your twin flame are mirrors of each other, you have the same negatives. That, in turn, will let you see your negatives as if you're looking at a negative mirror. It can be scary and jarring, especially if you're new to telepathy.

Slowly try to train yourself in controlling your twin flame telepathy. There are some telepathy exercises out there that can help you with this. Here are a couple of examples:


Meditation exercises not only train your mind but will also train your spirit. Since twin flame telepathy is also a spiritual connection, reasonable control over your spirit will help you immensely in twin flame telepathy.

Dream-remembering exercises

Because dreams are one of the most common mediums for twin flame telepathy, it's a good idea to train your dream-remembering ability so that the control of your dreams will also improve. A couple of tips here that may be useful are:

  1. Writing your dreams down in the morning. This exercise will improve your memory in general as well.
  2. Try to wake up earlier than usual. But instead of jolting up immediately, you try to drift into going back to sleep and simply waking up. This exercise is a very technical way of improving yourself and might be very difficult to nail on your first try, but keep trying. This activity is an exercise, after all.
  3. Just before you go to sleep, drink three glasses of water. This trick is straightforward but also quite effective. It will prompt you to urinate right after a dreaming cycle. That way, you are more likely to remember your dreams because it's usually the last dream before waking up that you remember most.

P.S. I highly recommend checking out Psychic Jane as she has the ability to detect and draw the face of anyone's Twin Flame. She has been gifted with strong abilities in both Clairvoyance (the ability to see) and Clairsentience (the ability to feel). Reach out to her and you’ll be stunned by the results. Click here to get started >>

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.