Twin Flame Yin Yang: How to Achieve Balance? -

Twin Flame Yin Yang: How to Achieve Balance?

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Yin and Yang in Chinese Philosophy are two complementary principles. The concept describes how opposite or contrary forces may be interconnected and interdependent.

It is a constant reminder to strive for the Masculine Feminine Balance. It is essential for the 5D kind of love relationships when on Earth.

The Yin symbolizes femininity, darkness, negativity, passivity, and absorption. It symbolizes Earth and is like a droplet-shaped with the color black and a white spot.

The Yang symbolizes masculinity, brightness, positivity, and penetration. It symbolizes heaven, a colored white droplet with a black spot.

The Great Ultimate is what happens when both of them have roles interplay with one another. In essence, it is the concept of complementary duality.

 As one increases, the other decreases, and it goes on and on. One force rises and falls, bringing the other to react oppositely and vice versa.

It signifies the actual process of the Universe as dualistic. The two aspects depict the light and dark halves of the circle, which can be in harmony.

It implies that there are two sides to everything, black and white. Or some would say the good and evil, the spirit and matter, the Yin and yang.

When one exists, the other will too. So, when you are in the dark, you will also see the light.

It is an ancient concept that originated in the 4th century BC. Although it was roughly 2,400 years ago, people nowadays still believe in this idea.

It stresses the interconnectedness of the forces of nature. It recognizes opposing forces not to be much different as they initially appear to be.

It can be explained with shadow as an example. There is the darkness of the shadow because of the existence of light on the other side.

As a result, the importance of understanding Yin Yang for twin flames is crucial. Everyone must strike a balance and find that point on their own.

Fear and Love

Most people believe that fear and love simply don't coexist. Do you agree with them?

Well, to explain their point, you cannot truly experience love when you are afraid. On the other hand, if you love deeply, you lose your fears.

It’s one of the things you need to learn in your twin flame relationship. Although each twin has a separate individual soul, they have the same soul pattern.

It means that they basically have the same blueprint and their souls are identical. But as twin flames evolve, their souls do not stay in the same place for long.

That's why it's also vital to know who your Twin flame is and find them in this lifetime. If you're still unsure of who they may be, my friend Psychic Jane can draw what your Twin Flame looks like. Discover what your Twin Flame looks like here >>

As you live your life, you experience different things which can influence you to change. You are either changed for the better or worse based on your experiences.

Some leave scars on your souls and a mark on your character. But for twin flames, your connection is quite unique and indescribable.

Ruled by duality, twin flames are mirror souls. You reflect yourself in another being, and you balance each other.

You personify the Yang and integrate the Yin. Twin flame reunion strikes the balance of feminine and masculine energies within the relationship.

The interaction of your energies together maintains the harmony of the Universe. You can influence everything with it and form a dynamic system.

However, there are times when a twin flame reacts with fear. You fear that you might lose this special connection and lose the relationship itself.

When that happens, it can be a game-changer for your relationship. Instead of focusing on love, you focus on fear.

You begin to test your twin flame and look for constant reassurance. Do you think by doing that, you can alleviate your fears?

We don't think so because the relationship now is no longer based on love. You can be paranoid about proving that they really love you with all the tests.

You start to think about all the negative things they might have done. But you don't have any basis for thinking that way.

It seems common for others to be hesitant when they feel the strong connection of twin flames. It seems too good to be true, so they are afraid it's not real.

It can cause a twin flame to hold back their feelings towards the other. You avoid initiating anything and become more aloof than usual.

As a result, the relationship turns sour, and you think that you were right. You blame the lack of chemistry or loss of connection, but you know the truth.

Your fears get in the way of actually making the relationship work. You suppress your feelings of love because you are afraid to make a fool out of yourself.

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You then realize that your fear caused more trouble than good. And now your relationship is spiraling down, and both of you are devastated.

The spiritual partnership has always been there, but you made your fears into reality. It would be best to take the chance and get to know your twin flame better.

You express freely and be more open. By then, you'll understand how much love you and your twin can be capable of giving.

Overall, the twin flame connection is supposed to bring up your fears. It shows you the sides which made you blinded.

The illusion of separation may blind you. Or you tend to try to feel inner joy by looking outside.

Also, being unsure of your Twin flame or being unaware of who they are can worsen the fears and doubts you may be having. 

So, I highly suggest checking out Psychic Jane. She has the ability to sense and draw the face of anyone's Twin Flame. She is gifted with strong abilities in both Clairvoyance (the ability to see) and Clairsentience (the ability to feel). Reach out to her and you’ll be stunned by the results. Click here to get started >> 

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The truth is, the very depth of love you feel can expose your greatest fears. It is the law of polarity, and we should learn from the lessons life is teaching us.

Self-love must come from within, which is the key to dissolving your fears. You don't have to beat yourself up over things beyond your control.

Allow yourself to be open, follow your heart and choose love. It is the only way you can continue to grow and ascend.


Sometimes, the challenge is to become more of your true innate self. You cannot take out all the insecurities and doubts at one time.

It takes a process, and it is how the soul grows. You face the most significant obstacles necessary for your soul growth within love connections.

Twin flames trigger each other for the unhealed wounds to resurface. Twin flames have the potential to bring you the greatest happiness and deepest pains.

Remember that twin flame relationships go through highs and lows. It is the most profound romantic connection on Earth but does not only focus on romance.

The purpose of the twin flame union is to bring positivity, love, and light to the world. Their spirits go through relevant evolution as they work together on their sacred connection.

The twin flame relationship is the birth of divine love and elevates it. They may go through many lifetimes and culminate in dense karmic obligations.

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There's a split of two energetic rays at some point in the evolution of souls. It resulted in an embodiment of energetic opposite polarity to each other.

One soul encompasses more masculine energy, which is the Yang. Moreover, the other soul encompasses a more feminine one, which is the Yin.

As they occupy different dimensions, they are also incarnating the 3D reality. The energy connection of twin flames is in every level or every way.

It is necessary for each soul to be incarnated into a physical body. It is to experience the duality of human existence and master spiritual growth.

You will have the opportunity to experience polarities. The awakening of your souls will balance the contradictions in this realm.


According to the Chinese cosmology, chaotic energy sparked the Universe to be created. The energy is formed into opposing forces in different orderly cycles.

It created everything that exists within the Universe, and it moves around. No one can add or take it away in a sense.

As for modern science, the law of conserving energy explains it. The Universe cannot have one side present only, and they depend on the other to exist.

Thus, two forces are interchangeable, and they form a single whole. Whatever challenges and opportunities come to help you grow, the center is the idea of balance.

The Yin Yang symbol represents the Big Bang Theory story of creation. It is a theory that states that begins from nothing and transforms into everything.

The symbol also signifies inner transformation represented by the dots inside the main colors.

So, what do you think happens when the Yin and Yang are out of balance?

Since Yin-Yang is a comparative relationship, they are synonymous with one another. It suggests that one cannot exist without the other.

When something happens to harmony, problems and diseases can occur. Many methods of Yin and Yang elements concerning feng shui are being practiced everywhere.

When you have balance in your environment, there is a good energy flow. It promotes good health, abundance, and longevity.

However, you feel uninspired when it's out of balance and lose a sense of direction.

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How to find balance?

As you and your twin flame are interconnected, you morph into each other. You feel each other's energy, which creates a noticeable effect on one another.

It is best to take care of yourself and stay grounded. You surrender to love to free yourself from fears.

But what does it have to do with twin flame balance?

As you focus on improving your energy, you are actually helping your twin flame partner. When you raise your vibrations, they will feel it too.

As mirror souls, each half is a core of the opposing half. It becomes a reminder that forces create different manifestations of the same energy.

So first, your top priority is to have enough rest and exercise. You should check what you're body is telling you and what it needs.

Frequent changes in your sleeping pattern can also affect your health. A good night's sleep is important for your well-being, especially your mind and body.

Eat a more balanced diet and less processed foods. Make time for activities that you love and have time for relaxation.

Don't lose yourself too much in the process, have faith and trust that you and your twin flame will flourish together soon enough. In fact, the universe has proven this to me. 

I was in a really bad place before I knew my twin flame. Working two jobs, struggling to pay rent and just always so lonely.

After finally meeting him, The business I launched made $11,300 during its FIRST month, I moved into a bigger place, and I’ve never looked back since. You can speed up your twin flame’s journey to you by identifying them.
>>> My Friend Psychic Jane clairvoyant can see your twin flame and sketch them for you.
(P.S. Finding your twin flame is a meeting of souls, and could lead to a tumultuously hot ‘bedroom’ experience.)

So, don't miss this chance to unite with your Twin flame and thrive together!

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.