The Ace of Wands belongs to the Minor Arcana cards that portray the lessons and wisdom we attain from significant events in our life. Ace of Wands speaks of opportunities, a fresh start, new ideas, and making your dreams into reality.
The Ace of Wands is depicted by a hand that appears to come out from a cloud of smoke holding a blossoming wand. This signifies possibilities, new opportunities, fresh ideas, and growth.
This means that there is progress both in the spiritual and material aspects of your life.
Your fiery soul is full of optimism and vibrates positive energy. Let your soul speak through you; allow it to control and direct you towards your destined path.
Brace yourself and open your mind to the message of the Ace of Wands. As an assurance, it tells you that your efforts will be worth it, and you’re on the path towards success.
Ace of Wands Upright Keywords
- Encouragement
- Creativity
- Empowerment
- New opportunities
- Progress
- Possibilities
- Initiative
- Enthusiasm
- Vitality
- Good news
- Finding new hobby
- Thrill
- Passion
- Adventures
- Spontaneity
- Fertility
- Fearless
Ace of Wands Reversed Keywords
- Distractions
- Train of thought
- Postponement
- Procrastination
- Lack of focus
- Lack of direction
- Lack of interest
- Obstacles
- Doubtful
- Creative blocks
- Disappointments
- Dismissiveness
- Wasted opportunities
- Infertility
- Canceled flights
- Exhausted
Ace of Wands Meaning and Description
The Ace of Wands is named after the Wand, a magical symbol that creates something out of nothing. This wand is held by a hand in the clouds to demonstrate its importance.
The wand appears very powerful, with hundreds of sparks being created from the top.
Outstretched below lies a flourishing land full of lush colors of green. This represents that there are growth and progress in all areas of your life.
At a distance stands a tall castle that represents potential opportunities that one may encounter in the future.
On the horizon, tall mountains arise, and their jagged peaks represent challenges that one may face along his journey. These problems will always be there.
What matters most is how you view and handle these problems assertively. Problems are all but a challenge to make you stronger and deserving of the beautiful and prosperous future ahead of you.
Keep in mind that the Ace of Wands is a card of opportunities and does not guarantee a tangible result. The outcome of these opportunities still depends on the level of effort and dedication you give to your new venture.
Use this energy to motivate yourself and continue on your new path, and you will surely succeed.
Upright Ace of Wands Meaning
As an ace among all Wands cards, this card's appearance in a tarot reading signifies new potential and promising opportunities.
With this, this card also advises you to allow your soul to guide and direct you to whichever path you are about to take. If you open yourself to these possibilities, you have an infinite potential to achieve whatever aims you have in life.
An upright Ace of Wands message for you is to follow where your heart is truly happy. Pursue your passion and do things that give you joy.
The most important thing, though, is that you feel content with what you have now. It does not mean that your goals need to be so big.
You also need to be realistic and plan out the steps you need to take.
Ace of Wands (Upright) in Spirituality
An upright Ace of Wands concerning spirituality signifies that you have discovered a new spiritual practice. This card also encourages you to follow a new spiritual path.
Educate yourself deeper about your spiritual beliefs. Moreover, immerse yourself in people who can help you develop your spirituality and help you connect deeper with your soul.
Ace of Wands (Upright) in Health
If you're looking for insight or information about your health, the upright Ace of Wands brings you good news. This card brings excellent news about your health and signifies good health.
If you have an illness or injury, this card means healing and faster recovery.
Ace of Wands (Upright) in Career and Finances
An upright Ace of Wands card concerning your career signifies new opportunities and promotion. There is uplifting energy in your workplace.
You found a new source of inspiration that makes you feel motivated to go to work each day.
This card also tells you that your visionary and creative ideas will pave for all your projects' success and your team's success.
The Ace of Wands signifies that you will find a new job that best suits your lifestyle and line of work. A new career path will open up for you, so grab the opportunity.
This card's financial aspect is a good sign signifying financial stability and a prosperous future ahead of you. A surge of money is coming into your account.
It could be from a closed major deal, profit from an investment, or a salary increase.
Ace of Wands (Upright) in Love and Relationships
The Ace of Wands card wishes you good luck on your love journey! You’re going to have the time of your life with your favorite person.
This relationship will start with intense tension and attractiveness. This person is physically attracted to you; infatuation, at first sight, is possible.
Plans of stepping up your relationship, such as engagement, marriage, and conceiving, will emerge. Having this card signifies that now would be the best time to do so.
The spark will not leave if you and this person are willing to commit genuinely. This means that you’re not only there for the pleasure and excitement of the connection.
Suppose you are single when you encounter a reversed Ace of Wands. Like the Eight of Wands, this card will give you a boost of encouragement to go and pursue the person you like.
Let him/her know what you genuinely feel; maybe he/she is also just waiting for you to make the first move. Entering a relationship with Ace of Wands' presence assures you a high chance of success in your relationship.
Reversed Ace of Wands Meaning
A reversed Ace of Wands signifies that you have great ideas and plans but feel unsure what steps to take to make it into reality. You are beaming with energy and passion but cannot freely express it due to insufficient resources.
This card will also appear if you feel unsure about your true purpose. This card will serve as a guiding light to help you see clearer and determine your real mission in this lifetime.
It also suggests a suspension of outward creative energy. This can sometimes result from being blocked from the action.
Or from creative outlets that have been enjoyed in the past. Holding back your enthusiasm may be a mistake that you will come to regret later on.
In the meantime, it is essential to find ways to keep yourself active, as stasis can be frustrating for those who desire change and progress.
You have a lot of energy to put out there. This is a tough time for you, and it's hard for others around you to see that.
It's up to you to figure out how to get what you need and want, and then you can focus on spreading your positivity and success.
You can be successful but may have been waiting for the perfect timing or someone else to give you a push.
Even though you have a brilliant mind, you feel hesitant and unsure how to make you live your passion. You have all of the ingredients needed for success but lack that little bit of confidence.
It indicates that something within yourself prevents you from achieving your goals.
The Reversed Ace of Wands Meaning involves a delay, a change of plans, or a retreat. This card often arrives when you lack the courage to do what you have planned at first.
If you ignore your feelings, eventually, your subconscious will force you to take proper action.
Fresh, visionary, and creative ideas flow into your life with ease. Harness these positive energies, channel them into something productive, and show the world what you got.
You need a gentle push or nudge in the right direction. Take courage and jump into your new path with confidence.
Keep up with all the change and flow, and be open to new ideas that could help you solve a problem or challenge.
Having reversed Ace Of Wands in a reading means that you could be lacking focus and direction, which could create a problem. You must seek refuge in yourself to find your true purpose for this specific situation.
Don't be impatient in seeking what is missing. Be brave in finding the answer and regain what you have lost in the ongoing long journey.
It is time that you push yourself through this struggle to reach the goal you have been working towards.
Ace of Wands (Reversed) in Spirituality
A reversed Ace of Wands concerning spirituality signifies stagnation and lack of progress on your spiritual path.
You feel too comfortable with your current spiritual practices that you feel hesitant to try something new. You forget that one must learn and grow to attain the highest spiritual fulfillment.
Ace of Wands (Reversed) in Health
If you have plans of having a baby, getting a reversed Ace of Wands is a bad omen since it signifies infertility. Stress is one of the main reasons for this problem; hence you need to manage it first.
Ace of Wands (Reversed) in Career and Finances
Suppose you are looking for a job or targeting a particular career when you encounter a reversed Ace of Wands card. In a career aspect, this card is a bad omen because it signifies that you will not get the position or job you applied for.
If you're an artist, you may be experiencing creative blockage and unable to concentrate.
Ace of Wands (Reversed) in Love and Relationships
The Ace of Wands in your relationship shows you’re not ready to move forward. Maybe you and your person are having difficulty getting the spark back.
If you are in a long-term relationship, there comes a time that your desires have diminished, and the sexual energy wears off. This happens when couples settle into a routine and are often faced with a lot of responsibilities.
To sum it up, this card tells you to work together and spice things up in your relationship.
Ace of Wands Yes or No
The Ace of Wands card is a big yes in a tarot reading. This card is full of positive energy and has a hopeful message to those who encounter it.
Having this card signifies that you will succeed in all your endeavors. Unlimited opportunities and potential are waiting for you; all you must do is choose one and give your best to it.
If used properly, this card will deliver you to your goals, but at the same time, it asks you one thing only, which is hard work.
Ace of Wands Advice
Ace of Wands as advice encourages you to reclaim your energy. This is a beautiful opportunity for you to try something you’ve wanted to do.
You don’t need to rethink about it too much. Don’t waste your energy overthinking a situation if it is solely for you.
Ace of Wands Reversed Advice
The Ace of Wands in reverse is a sign not to take immediate action. Stop and reflect on the situation carefully if now is the right time.
You don’t have to rush things to happen because what’s meant for you will find you. This is an important time for you to be patient and wait.
Ace of Wands as a Person
Ace of Wands as a person is someone ambitious and passionate. You’re someone who continues to exceed in your achievements.
You’re someone who will not back out without a fight. This doesn’t mean a physical battle but a constant battle for your dreams.
Ace of Wands Reversed as a Person
The Ace of Wands, in reverse, is someone who lacks motivation. As a result, every goal they have will always be stagnant.
You’re someone who refuses to find the motivation to continue your work. If you’re an artist, your art style results can show your lack of motivation.
Ace of Wands Present
In the present position, you’re going to enter a self-transition. As a result, you’re willing to make adjustments to receive new opportunities.
You understand that this is a fair battle. You’re going to conquer challenges and take them as your main source of strength.
Ace of Wands Past
In your past position, you encountered countless hardships. As a result, you refuse to show your total gifts to the world.
You chose to hide behind the curtains. This is because you used to be anxious about what people would think.
Ace of Wands Future
In the future position, you’ll still prepare yourself for more hardships. This is the stage where you must always bring your confidence.
It’s normal that you’ll feel exhausted, anxious, and skeptical. It’s okay to go back to the first phase before you gain confidence.
Ace of Wands as How Someone Feels About You
Someone feels relief because they finally gained confidence. Perhaps you’re the one who taught them how to achieve confidence.
This person gets so much inspiration from you. They see you as an inspiration to take a risk in doing the things they love.
They also feel like they are attracted to you in the first place. You gave them a strong presence that made them intrigued by you.
Ace of Wands Outcome
The Ace of Wands, as the outcome, shows that everything will fall into place. Rest assured that all your hard work will soon pay off.
If you're continuing to move forward to expect progress, then you're right! The things you want to happen will make their way toward you.
Ace of Wands Pregnancy and Fertility
The Ace of Wands card can indicate a pregnancy. However, the result would likely derive from the energy of the situation.
The Ace of Wands will do the trick if you're expecting a baby. It will present immense energy that represents your desire to achieve pregnancy.
Ace of Wands Energy
The energy of the Ace of Wands resides with fire. This gives a striking power for you to work and achieve your dreams and desires.
Like the fire that continues to ablaze, you’ll show your radiance to the crowd. You’re willing to showcase your true abilities and skills.
This energy also presents an eagerness or thirst for triumph. Therefore, you continue to work hard to get promoted or receive a scholarship.
Ace of Wands as Action
The Ace of Wands card encourages you to be open to endless possibilities. Once you discover an interest or idea, you make a decision and take action.
So instead of acting impulsive, make sure you think about it carefully. You wouldn’t want to end up regretting your choices in the future.
Ace of Wands as Intention
The Ace of Wands presents good intentions that encourage you to thrive. You’re someone who is willing to take a step to achieve your dreams.
You continue to seek more opportunities that are beneficial for self-confidence. You believe that this will serve as an experience for future job offers.
Ace of Wands as How Someone Sees You
Someone sees you as an ambitious and self-reliant individual. Sometimes, they’re afraid to approach you because you’re always productive.
This person finds you intriguing because you have countless goals. They’re astonished by the fact that you accomplished so much.
This person admires your determination and optimism. They feel like it’s impossible, but you became their reason not to give up.
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Ace of Wands Time Frame
The Ace of Wands time frame may represent number one. This could mean that the event may occur in 1-11 days.
Since the card connects with the fire element, this can be a fast phase. A situation will appear to you instantly and unexpectedly.
Ace of Wands as a Woman
The Ace of Wands represents a woman. So if you’re a female, stand up and continue thriving, GIRL BOSS!
You may be someone who likes to be in control of your goals. You would do everything it takes to achieve your goals.
Perhaps you even have a journal and bucket list for your goals. One by one, you would cross out the things you already fulfilled.
Ace of Wands as a Man
The Ace of Wands as a man is driven by ambition. You’re willing to experience hardships in order to achieve your dreams.
You have a map of your goals planned out ever since. You’re eager to fulfill your life goals despite the things that stand in your way.
You’re a person who prefers to be constantly independent. You like to do things and make rules on your way.
Ace of Wands Communication
The Ace of Wands can be a good sign for communication. If you engage in a conversation, you're always the initiator.
In a group conversation, you don't hesitate to approach other people. This is because you don't want other people to feel left out.
Ace of Wands Reconciliation
Reconciliation is possible to happen for you and a past person. Since the card links with the fire element, this relationship may ignite again.
This person wants to start a new path with you. They’re willing to do everything it takes in order to bring back the spark.
Ace of Wands Physical Appearance
The possible physical appearance is evident in the hair. You may have bright hair color, specifically the color red.
You apply your creativity and art to your appearance. When it comes to clothing style, you often stand out in the crowd.
This could also mean that you have a strong sex appeal. Your partner can be turned on by just the sight of your face.
Ace of Wands Reversed Outcome
You don’t believe that everything will fall into place. This is because you constantly doubt that your efforts will be worth it.
The progress is not showing up the way you wanted it to. As a result, you’re starting to lose the motivation to strive for your goals.
You’re starting to believe that your dreams will only remain dreams. You know you put in a lot of effort, but you often belittle them.
Ace of Wands Reversed Pregnancy
Unfortunately, the recent energy doesn’t indicate a possibility of pregnancy. This may be the cause of your lack of confidence and constant anxiousness.
It may be your plan to have a baby, but you think you aren’t ready. The immense energy presents negative energy reflecting on your thoughts.
Ace of Wands Friendship
You’re blessed when it comes to healthy and stable friendships. The card encourages you to explore new things with your friends.
If you’re afraid to try out a sport, seek help from your friends. Maybe they can accompany you and try out the sport you want as well.
This is your life, so don’t hesitate to make the most of it. With your friends, you can make creative things and explore the unknown.
Ace of Wands and Ace of Swords
The power of change rests within you, so use it wisely. If you want to change something, start changing for yourself.
Remember, this is your life, do whatever you want with it. But you still need to exclude the harm that you can inflict on others.
The Ace of Wands and Ace of Swords is a powerful combination. These cards guide you in intensifying your focus and creativity.
Once you’re sure about what you want, you’ll put it into action. You’ll use the power of your mind to create ideas and goals.
Ace of Wands and Ace of Pentacles
As you enter another journey in your life, prepare yourself for possibilities. Don’t restrict or limit yourself to what you can do.
Because there’s so much more to life than you can ever imagine. You just need to have clear intentions of what you want to achieve.
But it may not be an easy or vast approach to knowing what you want. So you can take your time before you fully make a decision.
The Ace of Wands and Ace of Pentacles is a powerful combination. They reside with the possibility of receiving abundance and success.
Temperance and Ace of Wands
Don’t try to pop up your bubble too soon; learn to be patient. This means that you don’t need to pour all your creative juices out.
Because you need to reserve and preserve some for the future. You don’t need to go full potential because it might drain your energy.
Balance is an essential aspect of your life. This will help you in order to sort out and weigh your priorities and goals.
The Temperance and the Ace of Wands are a helpful combination. They can be your guide towards prioritizing one creativity after another.
Ace of Wands and Page of Cups
Life is an endless road of learning new ideas along the way. You can never be sure of something until you become curious to know it.
But being able to learn how things function takes a lot of time. And you need to know that this is just normal because you’re living.
Death and Ace of Wands
You don’t need to be afraid when something is ending. Because this just means that you’ll need to enter another cycle in your life.
Honestly speaking, letting go is the most challenging thing to do. Perhaps there are situations and people you don’t want to let go of yet.
But if this will encourage your growth, you need to let go. You don’t know what life prepares for you, but it will be worth it.
The Death and the Ace of Wands is a powerful combination. They can serve you as a guide to enter a new beginning and detach.
Yes, you heard that right; you need to detach from the past. If something isn’t right or doesn’t resonate with you anymore, detach yourself.
You don’t need to force things because everything isn’t for you. So you just need to accept that you can be more creative in another environment.
Justice and Ace of Wands
You have the free will to create the life you want to have. But you also need to be aware that you should also take legal applications.
Because your liberal state is still limited in terms of living as a citizen. Because you intertwine yourself with the opportunities in your country.
Which means that you're aligned with corporations and businesses. So you may be expecting to participate in paying taxes.
You're also expected to obey rules and policies for peace and order. So you need to follow these laws despite gaining individual freedom.
Ace of Wands and King of Wands
Don’t hesitate to turn your dreams into reality. But sometimes, you also need to take a rest and look at your progress.
You don’t need to be in a rush because time is ticking. Because the goals that you wish to accomplish are bound for the long term.
So eventually, your constant mindset is imprinted for the future. What you’re doing right now is the stepping stone toward success.
Ace of Wands and Knight of Cups
In every journey you take, creativity and action always align. They are inevitable and destined to meet to know your true purpose.
So don’t think about wasting your time and walking away. Let every journey be a new opportunity for you to create something extraordinary.
Because you’re someone who is always eager to create. Someone who views the world as an infinite structure of abstract art.
The Ace of Wands and the Knight of Cups are a powerful combination. They would serve as your guide in appreciating the beauty of life.
Ace of Wands and Knight of Swords
The struggles you encounter aren’t a hindrance to your success. You see them as something that can be your main strength.
It seems impossible to say that you should make your struggles as your strength. But maybe you realize that they’re the reason why you keep going.
If some people hate the fact that they have to struggle, you don’t. You see this as something that will enhance you to push through the barriers.
The Ace of Wands and the Knight of Swords are a powerful combination. They will serve as your blueprint for slaying dragons in dungeons.
Ace of Wands and Queen of Cups
The struggles you encounter aren’t a hindrance to your success. You see them as something that can be your main strength.
It seems impossible to say that you should make your struggles as your strength. But maybe you realize that they’re the reason why you keep going.
If some people hate the fact that they have to struggle, you don’t. You see this as something that will enhance you to push through the barriers.
The Ace of Wands and the Knight of Swords are a powerful combination. They will serve as your blueprint for slaying dragons in dungeons.
Ace of Wands and Queen of Pentacles
Whatever happens, you can always do this, GIRL BOSS! Lighten up your spirits often because you’re always doing great on your own.
You’re someone who finally reached the peak of success. The universe wants you to know how proud it is because you made it.
So you’re fulfilling your dreams one step at a time. As you do this, you’ll engage in learning new ideas, and you’ll grow more.
The Ace of Wands and the Queen of Pentacles align with abundance. These cards show that you have the ability to acquire stability.
Ace of Wands and Queen of Wands
In finding your path, it will take a long time before you do. Because you need to remain consistent and patient with your goals.
You don’t get to manifest a beautiful life with a flick of a finger. It would take more practice and application in the real world to fulfill it.
But you should know that you’re always doing great, whatever the circumstances. You’re doing great, even during times when you just want to exist.
Ace of Wands and Two of Cups
You need to realize that there’s more to this connection. This is more than just plain physical attractions, interactions, and freedom.
This connection can intensify its potential in the long run. And this will occur if you and your person are willing to work things out.
You need to know that this kind of connection is rare to find. You don’t just get bored and find someone new if the spark isn’t bright enough.
The Ace of Wands and the Two of Cups are a combination of romance. These cards are the sign that you need to meet each other face to face.
Personal interaction isn’t necessary, but meeting the needs of each other is. This connection is all about forming a solid foundation.
A foundation where your energies will intensify and focus on what’s healthy. Because healthy relationships are created, they’re not founded.
So determination and hard work are essential.
Strength and Ace of Wands
Remember, you’re in control of what happens in your life. You must not give your power to others who don’t deserve it.
Because the power to create belongs to you. It’s rightfully yours because you have the ability to create beautiful things.
All you need to do is to prioritize your strength despite the circumstances. Because you’ll inevitably experience hardships along your journey.
The Ace of Wands and Strength is a powerful combination. You need to tap into your inner strength and let it do its work.
The Lovers and Ace of Wands
When it comes to love, you need to be specific. You won’t want to take a risk in commitment if you don’t know what you want.
And sometimes, it’s okay to feel confused or overwhelmed. Especially if it’s not your sole responsibility to be a band-aid to people.
Remember, you’re not someone who can fix another person. Instead, you’re someone who aims to help the person grow.
The Ace of Wands and the Lovers are a powerful combination. They would restore balance and harmony in terms of romantic relationships.
Ace of Wands and Eight of Wands
If you want to manifest instantly, DO THE WORK. This doesn’t only consist of affirmations and hope but actual work.
You need to get things done in order to receive your desires. You don’t just sit around and stare at a blank wall all day.
Because that doesn’t show that you’re working hard to get your desires. You need to apply constant determination and perseverance to succeed.
The Ace of Wands and Eight of Wands are a powerful combination. They have the ability to guide you toward the speed of light.
Ace of Wands and Four of Wands
Maybe it’s time to take a short break and relax. After all, you deserve a celebration because of your constant hard work.
You’ve been showing your efforts and creative ideas more often. Because you know that they’ll be relevant to the reputation of your company.
You need to know that what you’re doing isn’t the bare minimum. You need to realize that you’ve been exerting effort and skills way too hard.
The Ace of Wands and Four of Wands are a good combination. They are a representation that every hard work should be celebrated.
Ace of Wands and King of Cups
You’ll now move forward towards another journey to success. In this journey, you’ll be able to execute your ideas again on others.
It may seem like a lifetime cycle, but it’s always worth it. Because the repetition of your adventures will only give you more growth.
By growth, you’re slowly turning into a different person. Someone who continues to be wise and prioritizes good values for others.
The Ace of Wands and King of Cups are a good combination. These cards show the potential of having a strong teacher or father figure.
Ace of Wands and King of Pentacles
The extraordinary thing about you is your full potential. You have the ability to transform your creativity into wealth and stability.
So you’re someone who continues to search through the way of life. Because you can always get out of something along the way.
You use your new ideas to encourage yourself to be better. And you also apply your thoughts in order to show what you can offer.
The Ace of Wands and the King of Pentacles are a good combination. They can be a sign that you would possess constant abundance.
This won’t be possible without your willingness to achieve your goals. Because you’re someone who doesn’t stop in your tracks.
Ace of Wands and Page of Swords
Control and determination are required to live a good life. Because you can’t quickly get the things that you want to achieve.
You’re someone who focuses on the positive side. Whatever situations you experience in life, you choose to be optimistic.
Because it’s the only way to acquire more room for growth. You need to move on and learn from your mistakes in the past.
The Ace of Wands and the Page of Swords are a powerful combination. You’re the one who is responsible for turning your dreams into reality.
When you want to achieve something, you’ll stick to it. You’re decisive about what you want to choose because it’s good for you.
With the Ace of Wands, don’t hesitate to pour in your creative energy. Once this is intertwined with positive energy, everything will fall into place.
So don’t underestimate and doubt your abilities. You’re almost there to succeed.
Ace of Wands and Page of Wands
Don’t hesitate to seek more ideas from the outside world. Don’t bury yourself in a single space just because you’re used to it.
Most of the time, you need to expose yourself outside. You need to interact with nature and seek the beauty of life.
Because there’s so many more discoveries waiting for you there. You just need to trust yourself that you’ll be able to conquer any challenge.
The Ace of Wands and the Page of Wands are a powerful combination. These cards encourage you to take yourself on a vacation.
The Ace of Wands and Ten of Cups
With your creativity, it can result in rejoicing. Because once you harvest success, you and your loved ones can benefit from it.
Looking back, you used to have a blank slate of where to go. You have no idea how you'll be able to move forward in your life.
You felt like you were stuck in a stagnant situation. You don't have the proper tools to escape this devastation in order to be free.
The Ace of Wands and the Ten of Cups are a good combination. They are a representation that people play a vital role in your life.
Thank the universe for them.
Ace of Wands and Three of Swords
You know, you can create something out of fragile parts. You can make something out of a relationship that’s been broken.
This doesn’t mean that you can fix things to get back together. Try to view this from a different perspective that is beneficial for growth.
You can actually turn things around from what broke you. See this as an opportunity to boost your skills and confidence.
The Ace of Wands and Three of Swords is a helpful combination. They’re your guiding path toward healing and self-discovery.
Ace of Wands and Four of Swords
Don’t overwork yourself too much to the point that you might collapse. If you don’t choose a rest day, your body will choose it for you.
So if you’re feeling down and don’t want to move, take a rest. You don’t have to force yourself to go to work in order to be better.
Because you’re doing great at this moment. You’re trying to move yourself towards the mountain of success and stability.
The Ace of Wands and Four of Swords are a powerful combination. They’re a sign that you need to take yourself on a long break.
Ace of Wands and Queen of Swords
You’re a woman who has the ability to create your future. So you won’t let anyone convince you that you aren’t worth it.
Because you’ve been through so much struggle. There’s no way of going back down; the only way is up toward success.
You’ve been doing all the work for the past months, and we’re proud of you. We see your dedication and willingness to bring your ideas to the table.
The Ace of Wands and Queen of Swords is a powerful combination. They give you a reminder that your ideas are relevant in this world.
Ace of Wands and Ten of Swords
Sometimes, the walls will crumble, and you will let them. Because you aren’t in control when everything is falling apart.
And that’s okay, so you don’t need to pressure yourself too much. You don’t need to convince yourself that this can still work out.
You have to believe that you did everything you could. So if something falls apart, know that something greater is coming your way.
The Ace of Wands and Ten of Swords are a good combination. They’re a resemblance that painful endings will result in new beginnings.
The Devil and Ace of Wands
Watch out for distractions because they affect your life. They can consume your being and delay your progress for ambition.
So you need to pick your poison in the best and most positive way. Choose something that will turn you into a better person.
Don’t let temptation rule over your life; it won’t get you anywhere. Instead of relying on temptation, work hard enough to climb the stairs.
The Ace of Wands and Devil show a negative combination. Because the priorities and goals seem to be unbalanced and unstable.